Here is somewhat of a picture of our grandchildren. Their parents weren't really excited about me posting their pictures for all of webland to see, so this is the best I can do.
D, our granddaughter, age 8, is definitely our "drama queen". She was our first-born grandchild and loves to read and write. Her parents have caught her with her light on at 5 a.m. trying to read a book before she had to get ready for school. She is an early bird. She was up and getting ready in the morning almost before I was. There are only 14 months difference between she and her brother, G. They were at school most of the day and had after-school activities to go to, so they weren't with me as much as their 3-year old brother, C.
My first day there, C reminded me of why I was ready to put a "give away" sign on my own 2 children the day they turned 3. He definitely decided to test me. I was just about ready to call Nanny 911 after a few tempertantrums and time outs in his room. It was definitely a battle of the wills the first couple of days, but I finally won out. Or at least, he made me think I had.
One morning while I took C to his room at pre-school, his teacher asked him if I was his Grandma. He proceded to tell her that "That's NOT my Grandma, that's my Nana!" I felt like that was a bonding moment for us.
C has had trouble sleeping in his own bed for some time now. He starts out there, but in the middle of the night, he would slowly creep into my room and say, "Nana, can I sleep with you?" Now, how could I resist. Of course, I didn't get much sleep, as he had to be right next to me, and would reach his hand over to touch my face to make sure I was still there. He did stay in his bed one night, however. He goes to sleep with a CD playing in the CD player in his room, and he usually doesn't have any trouble when the CD is finished. However, on this particular night, at 4 in the morning, I heard him calling, "It's not playing". I proceded to go into his room and turn the CD on. It must've played for about an hour, and I heard, "It's not playing" again. There I go again to turn the CD on. So much for sleeping in his own bed!
If you look closely at the hands in their picture, you might notice a bandaid on C's thumb. He had taken a good chunk out of it with a pair of scissors the day before I came. I was SO glad it didn't happen on my watch!!
While we were watching a Ninja Turtle movie one Saturday night, G asked me what "dominate" meant. I guess one of the bad people had dominated the Ninja Turtles about 4 times. I told him that the meaning was more like being more powerful than someone else. He said, "Oh like when Jesus comes back, He will dominate Satan." It's so nice that all the devotional times my son and daughter-in-law spend with our grandchildren hasn't gone to waste.
Oh, by the way, did I mention our son and daughter-in-law are expecting their 4th child...our 5th grandchild? After they came back from St. Lucia, they had a sonogram, and I got to find out we're having another granddaughter! I don't think they'll mind me posting a picture of her.
This picture reminds me of Isaiah 139:13-16 "For You formed my inward parts; You wove me in my mother's womb. I will give thanks to You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; wonderful are your works, and my soul knows it very well. My frame was not hidden from You, when I was made in secret, and skillfully wrought in the depths of the earth; Your eyes have seen my unformed substance; and in Your Book were all written the days that were ordained for me, when as yet there was not one of them."
Life is such a miracle!
I was tired after getting back home. I forgot how much energy it takes to be a mom, or could it be that I was younger and had the energy? It makes me wonder what in the world these women having babies in their 50's must be thinking!! Anyway, it was precious time spent with grandchildren that I enjoyed and wonderful memories that I'll cherish. Just don't grow up too quickly, little ones. xoxo Nana
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