Thursday, January 1, 2009

Hello 2009!

The New Year has started and that means organization! I don't know about you, but I like things in their place. You know the old saying, "A place for everything, and everything in their place." Unfortunately, I have a husband that NEVER puts anything back in the same place twice. I guess we balance each other out.

Anyway, here is a project I did several months ago that I put above my desk in our laundry room. It lets me put photos, memos to myself etc. in one place. It's a memo board. I'm sure you've seen them in the stores, such as Hobby Lobby, but I needed one that was bigger. I bought an inexpensive bulletin board from Wal-Mart. Mine is 35" x 23". I wrapped it first with a medium loft batting and a fabric cut large enough to wrap around to the back and staple. I then took ribbon, measuring it out to slant from one side to the other. I placed upholstery tacks where the ribbon crisscrosses. I can change out and update pictures very easily.

One of my other favorite things are Command Hooks. I should have stock in that company. I use them for everything. I even hung up my memo board with one. I use them on the backs of bathroom doors, and even used them to hang up my wreaths on our front door. They're so easy to remove, and you'd never know you had anything on your wall. I wish I'd had something like them when I lived in the dorm in college, or in the apartment as newlyweds. You know, when you weren't supposed to put any nail holes in the walls.

This is on the back of our bathroom door.

I hope these easy projects might give you some ideas with some things you may need to organize in your home. January is a good time to get started.

I read a quote from Ralph Waldo Emerson recently, and I thought it was so appropriate to remember as we begin the New Year. It says,

"Write it on your heart that every day is the best day of the year."

I think I may even put this on my memo board to remember! I hope today was the best day of the year for you!

1 comment:

Kristi said...

I LOVE your memo board. :)

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